STANDARD POODLE (AKC Non-Sporting Group) Height: 24 to 26 inches (male); 22 to 24 inches (female). Weight: 45 to 65 pounds. Size: Large. Availability: Very popular. History: The Poodle is most likely descended from early German water retrievers. The name "poodle" probably derives from the German word "Pudel" (one who plays in the water). Hunters clipped the dog's thick coat to help him swim, leaving hair on the leg joints to protect them from extreme cold and sharp reeds. The French capitalized on the breed's high intelligence, trainability and innate showmanship and made the Poodle into a circus performer. His great popularity in that country led to the breed's common name, "French Poodle". In France, however, the Poodle is called the "Caniche", or duck dog. The Poodle has also been used to sniff out truffles lying underground in the woods. Poodles are depicted in 15th century paintings and in bas-reliefs from the 1st century. Toy Poodles became royal favorites, particularly in the 18th century. The Toy and Miniature Poodle varieties were bred down from the original larger dogs, now known as Standard Poodles. The three sizes are considered as one breed, and are judged by the same standard. Today, the Poodle is primarily a companion and show dog, though he can learn almost anything. Description: The Standard Poodle is an elegant, medium to large sized dog (15" minimum) with a profuse, but well-groomed and clipped, wiry curly coat. The head and muzzle are long. The skull is a bit rounded, with a slight stop. The teeth should form a scissors bite. The ears are wide and hang close to the head. The eyes are oval and generally very dark. Brown and cafe-au-lait colored dogs have dark amber eyes. Apricot Poodles may have amber eyes, but dark eyes are considered better. The dog's length from breastbone to rump is approximately the same as the height at the withers. The topline is level except for a slight depression behind the withers. The croup is rounded. The feet are compact, small and oval. The tail is docked to 1/2 the original length. All solid colors are permissible. The coat may be groomed into three basic styles: the pet clip (or puppy clip), with relatively short hair all over the body, the "English saddle" clip, and the "Continental' clip with the rear half of the body shaved, bracelets left around the ankles and pom-poms left on the tails and hips. The Poodle has a delightful springy gait. Notes: The coat needs regular attention and professional clipping every few months. Hair should be removed from inside the ears. Prone to bloat, hip dysplasia, runny eyes, ear infections, PRA and von Willebrand's Disease. Buy only from OFA, CERF and VWD certified stock. Ask about hips and elbows and see grandparents if at all possible. Some Standards are good guard dogs. Some can be trained as hunters. Standard Poodles have not been subject to poor breeding as much as the other Poodle varieties. Personality: Elegant, dignified and good-natured. Proud. Highly intelligent and one of the most trainable breeds. Pleasant, happy and sensitive. Tends to be a bit calmer than the smaller varieties. Needs people and dislikes being alone. Behavior: Children: Excellent with children. Friendliness: Reserved with strangers. Trainability: Very easy to train. Independence: Needs people a lot. Dominance: Moderate. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Friendly with other dogs. Noise: Average barker. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Extensive grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: Professional trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Curly coat. Shedding: Very light. Docking: The tail is customarily docked. Exercise: Vigorous daily exercise needed. Jogging: A good jogging companion. Indoors: Relatively inactive indoors. Apartments: Will be OK in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. Outdoor Space: A small yard is sufficient. Climate: Does well in most climates. Owner: Good for novice owners. Longevity: Long (15 or more years). Talents: watchdog, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: STANDARD POODLE Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.